REET Hindi Notes 2024, Rajasthan REET Hindi Notes PDF

REET Hindi Notes 2024: Hindi subject is vital for the REET/RTET exam 2024-2025 because 30 questions are asked in Hindi subject in the Rajasthan Education Eligibility Test, out of which if you answer 28 questions correctly, then your chances of succeeding in the exam will increase a lot, so you should read all the topics given in Hindi subject one by one. Keeping in mind the RTET exam, in this article, we have discussed in detail all those topics of Hindi subject from which there is a possibility of questions in the exam, so if you also want to get maximum marks in this exam, then you have to read this article thoroughly.

REET Hindi Notes 2024-25

REET Hindi Notes 2024

Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test will be held for Level 1 and Level 2, in which there is a Level 1 exam for BSTC holders and a Level 2 exam for students with a B.Ed course, on passing which the candidate becomes a secondary level teacher. The examination is scheduled for 27 February 2025 at all the examination centers in Rajasthan, so you should start your preparation now; if you prepare according to the topic we mentioned, you will be successful.

REET Child Development Notes 2024

Candidates have been preparing for the exam for a long time, but some students are preparing for the syllabus; you do not have to do this because if you study without looking at the syllabus, success can never be achieved. Questions are asked from Tatsam-Tadbhav, noun, pronoun, adjective, synonym, antonym, remarkable, indeclinable, word purification, number, tense, gender, phrase, and Hindi teaching methods.

REET Hindi Notes 2024 All Topic

Tatsam-Tadbhav: You have,e to identify which word is Tatsand and which word is Tadbh

Desi-Foreign Words: Questions are included in this topic, so you should read them too.

Synonyms, Antonyms: You will see two questions from this topic in the exam.

Ekriti Shabd: This topic is also critical from the exam point of view.

Prefix & Suffix: Cover this topic well because this topic is going to play a vital role in Sandhi.

Sandhi and Samas: Questions related to Sandhi Vichchhed and which is Sandhi are asked.

Noun: From this topic, we have seen that a sentence will be given in which the noun word can be asked to identify, or the noun types can be discussed.

Pronoun: All the words used in place of any noun are called pronouns, which is why most of the questions are likely to be about how many types of pronouns there are and which they are, so you should know about the types.

Adjective: The one which praises or describes the characteristic of a noun is called an adjective like Ram is beautiful, Vidya is black, Chirag is brilliant, etc., in which attractive, black, and intelligent are adjectives.

Visheshya: There is a possibility of questions being asked about this topic, too, so you must prepare well.

Avyay: There is a possibility of 1 question coming from this topic this year.

One word for a phrase has to be used for a complete sentence, which is best for it.

Word Correction: In the question, the sentence can be given incorrectly, or one word will be given incorrectly, so you must identify the correct word.

Number, tense, gender: All students must cover these three topics well. Most of the questions are asked about the types of tense, number, and gender, so you will have to prepare for it in the best way.

Hindi form of Rajasthani words: Rajasthani words can be given in the question, which will have to be changed to Hindi, or Hindi words will be given, which will have to be changed to Rajasthani words.

Sentence construction: Forming a sentence by joining one sentence to another.

Parts and types of sentences: The candidates must know about all the parts of the sentence if they have to study and read all the parts and types.

Phrase: This topic is critical, especially for RTET, so you will have to prepare the phrase topic well.

Sayings and Proverbs: This topic is critical for RTET and all competitive exams, so you should read this topic well.

Punctuation: This topic is relatively straightforward but also needs to be more apparent because students often make the most mistakes on this topic, even though the question is straightforward. Last year, a question arose on this topic, and most students selected the wrong answer. So many mistakes are made in this topic because the student needs to remember the symbols and where to use those symbols in the sentence. This topic is relatively easy because this topic is very short. If you want to read this topic, you will find the mention of the symbol on only one page. You have to keep that in mind.

Language Teaching Method: You must prepare well about all the teaching methods related to the Hindi language to get maximum marks in this subject.

Development of Linguistic Skills: All the essential guidelines and language teaching methods related to language should be read thoroughly.

Evaluation in Language Education: Evaluation is very important for learning any language and subject, so if you study the evaluation methods in this topic, you will likely get good marks.

How to Download REET Hindi Notes 2024

  • To download the handwritten notes of Rajasthan REET Hindi 2024, candidates should search “REET Hindi Notes 2024 by” on Google.
  • Candidates should click on the first link available on Google.
  • Candidates can download REET Hindi Notes from there by visiting the post.

Last Words: For all the candidates of Rajasthan who are going to appear in the Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test this year, the Hindi subject is going to play a vital role because 30 questions of Hindi subject are asked in RTET, in which most of the candidates try to get 28 out of 30 marks in this subject. If you also want to get many marks, you should carefully read this subject’s essential topics like Sandhi, Samas, and the abovementioned issues.

REET Level 1 Pre Exam Syllabus PdfClick Here
REET Level 2 Pre Exam Syllabus PdfClick Here
REET Level 1 Main Exam Syllabus PdfClick Here
REET Level 2 Mains Exam Syllabus PdfClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here

Is Hindi important for RTET?

This is very important because you will greatly benefit if you answer 28 questions correctly in the exam.

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